The Quantum Nano Engineering Laboratory
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel
Hybrid Superconductor/Molecular devices

Recent studies found that the adsorption of chiral molecules on a superconducting surface induces non-conventional triplet superconductivity. Aside from the fundamental interest in unconventional triplet superconductivity, its investigation is crucial for the fabrication of efficient chiral-based superconducting spintronic devices, which were based so far solely on hybrid S-F (superconducting-ferromagnetic) systems. In our lab, we study their effects on S-F junctions and S-F-based devices. This work may provide further insight into the underlying mechanism by which chiral molecules appear to magnetize ferromagnets and superconductors (inducing triplet superconductivity and Shiba-like states), which is still an open question. We plan to apply Andreev spectroscopy to study the effect of chiral molecules on the magnetic polarization in F-S junctions. This will serve as the first stage in investigating chiral effects on Josephson S-F-S junctions.
Alpern, H. et. al. "Unconventional Meissner screening induced by chiral molecules in a conventional superconductor". Phys. Rev. Materials 5, 114801 (2021)
Periyasamy, M., et al. "Universal proximity effects in hybrid superconductor–linker molecule–nanoparticle systems: The effect of molecular chirality" Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 242601 (2020)